Productions: Movies > Galileo (1968)

Galileo Galilei is a professor of physics at Padoa’s University where Giordano Bruno’s ground-breaking ideas are embraced.
By using a rudimentary telescope he studies the movements of the planets and is convinced that the center of our system is the sun and not the earth.
He’s invited to Rome to explain his theories and studies. He will be asked by Cardinal Bellarmino and the Pope himself to put an end to his research because he’s under suspicion of being heretical.
But on his return to Florence he continues and publishes a book. His book is confiscated and Galileo is arrested. He’s interrogated by the Inquisition and, under threat of torture, signs a solemn abjuration.
Technical Specifications
year: 1968
screenplay: Tullio Pinelli, Liliana Cavani, (script collaborator) Fabrizio Onofri
historical consultant: Boris Ulianich
director: Liliana Cavani
assistant director: Rina Macrelli
sets and costumes: Ezio Frigerio
editing: Nino Baragli
photography: Alfìo Contini
music: Ennio Morricone
production organizer: Sergio lacobis
producer: Leo Pescarolo for Fenice Cinematografica (Venice), Rizzoli Film (Rome) and Kinozenter (Sofia)
released by: Cineriz
origin: Italy-Bulgaria
film: 35 mm, Eastmancolor
length: 92 minutes (original version: 105 minutes)
Selected for…
- XXIX Venice Film Festival, 1968
Cyril Cusack (Galileo)
Giulio Broggi (Sagredo)
Paolo Graziosi (Bernini)
Gigi Ballista (Dominican Inquisitor)
Gheorghi Cerkelov (Bellarmino)
Nicolai Doicev (Inchofer)
Gheorghi Kaloiancev (Giordano Bruno)
Nevena Kokanova (Marina)
Marcello Turilli (Acquapendente)
Pietro Vida (Urban VIII)
and special appearance by
Lou Castel (Father Charles)
- “Premio Cineforum” (ex aequo with Faces by John Cassavetes), 1968