Productions: Movies > Einstein (2008)

‘Einstein’, a film for Italian TV, stems from Cavani’s desire to attempt ‘to make people understand the beauty and importance of the basic scientific discoveries made in the first half of the 20th century that rapidly changed the vision and perception of time, matter and the Universe’.
The film traces the entire arc of Albert Einstein’s life: from his youth in a Europe tormented by war and the rise of Nazism, to the period of his maturity teaching at Princeton in the United States.
The narrative is enriched by the events of the scientist’s tormented personal life.
This narrative choice brings out the image of a man with common fears and weaknesses, capable of great leaps and generosity and endowed with a sense of humour. A genius in the field of physics, unable to demonstrate the same confidence and decisiveness in love and family relationships.
The story strives to show how the physics discoveries made by Einstein were scientifically revolutionary and capable of causing a great leap forward in our knowledge of the Universe.
Technical Specifications
story and screenplay: Massimo De Rita, Mario Falcone, Liliana Cavani
director: Liliana Cavani
scientific consultant: prof. Gino Isidori
set design: Giantito Burchiellaro
costumes: Lina Nerli Taviani
editing: Massimo Quaglia
photography: Claudio Sabatini
live sound engineer: Gilberto Martinelli
digital visual effects: Visualogie
music: Paolo Vivaldi
producer Rai: Tonino Nieddu
producer: Claudia Mori for Ciao Ragazzi (APT)
origin: Italy
lenght: 120 minutes
airing: two episodes, Rai 1, 26 and 27 October 2008
Selected for…
- “RomaFictionFest” 2008: best published Italian fiction and award to Maya Sansa for best leading actress
- “The European Science TV and New Media Festival” 2010: vincitore del “New Media Award” come Miglior fiction televisiva